Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m
Saturdays 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Sundays & Holidays Closed
  (808) 677-2733
Lasik eye doctor in Ewa Beach HI

The idea of using glasses or contacts for vision correction is a technique that was invented over 700 years ago. If that's not reason enough to update correcting your vision, we have two more reasons:

Improving Your Quality of Vision
Enhancing Your Quality of Lifestyle

Although glasses and contacts serve their purpose well, they don't actually solve the problem at the source. Instead they mask the problem with a temporary solution and become just another thing to deal with on a daily basis. Plus, the cost of maintenance and upkeep is a constant expense.

Why Choose LASIK Over Glasses
Glasses are an irritation and inconvenience. They are prone to scratches, getting lost, fogging, and breaking, and they have to be replaced periodically. Even if they are top name brand frames, they are still the same technology Ben Franklin used.

Can you throw away your glasses forever after LASIK? The good news is that LASIK will have you seeing clearly for many years. The younger you are when you get LASIK, the longer you can be free from glasses. By the time you reach your 40s you may need reading glasses due to the effects of aging (Presbyopia) but you'll still be free from the effects of astigmatism, farsightedness or nearsightedness.

Why Choose LASIK Over Contacts
Contacts, while a great alternative to glasses, have their own issues. Losing, misplacing, forgetting, scratching, slipping, tearing, sore eyes, red eyes, itchy eyes, glued to your eyeballs, and the continuing cost of lenses and cleaning solution - is this beginning to sound like your life?

After LASIK you can take all of these words, phrases and hassles out of your dictionary - and your life.

We've put together this list of our patients' most common gripes and delights in the LASIK Versus Contacts stakes:

The alarm clock factor - It's amazing how the little things can end up being so important. This is one of the most frequent delights: "I can wake up and actually SEE the alarm clock in the morning!" How much better would that be as a way to start - and continue - your day?

The risks of long-term contacts use - Unfortunately, this is becoming a more frequent gripe. In the past six years the FDA has posted an increasing number of advisories concerning risks associated with contact lenses, and some researchers have reported the risk factor with contacts as 5X greater than with LASIK. This doesn't mean contacts are dangerous, it just means taking a balanced view of both sides - and choosing LASIK! (Source: Mathers, W.D. Archives of Ophthalmology; vol 124: pp 1510-1511)

Freedom to play Water Sports - Now this one is all delight. Glasses of course are impossible to wear in most active sports, but contacts can be hazardous or restrictive, especially with water sports. Splash, swim, frolic, canoe, dive and ski with complete freedom - after LASIK.

Appearance - Some folks are too shy to list this under their delights and contacts do help a lot with appearance - if you're willing to put up with the inconvenience and risks. With LASIK you can feel as good as you look.

General Safety - "Nobody move!" are usually the words we cry just before we go on a lost contact hunt. The real gripe here is that for those minutes while we scramble around we're virtually blind. That's not an issue so much sitting in a coffee shop - but behind the wheel of the car? Oops. That could end up in a major gripe.

Footloose - Maybe this delight only matters if you travel a lot. LASIK means you only have to pack what you want to take along, not what you have to take - like spare lenses, cleaning solutions, irrigating solutions, sterilizing solutions, etc. You can add here the freedom at work or enjoy pau hana until late, grab a quick nap, and be up and at ‘em without worrying about the glued-to-the-eyeball factor.

Seeing naturally - This delight sometimes takes a while to be appreciated although it's really the major benefit of LASIK. One day you realize you don't have any glass or plastic between you and the rest of the world and that your eyesight is functioning exactly as nature intended.

Better vision than with contacts - Many of Dr. McMann's patients report improved vision than when using contacts and glasses. Soft contact lenses, due to their design and composition cannot provide the quality of vision achieved with Custom LASIK, and cannot fully correct astigmatism. Custom LASIK solves the unique corneal irregularities that cause myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism so it's no surprise that LASIK outcomes often exceed the results of contacts.
Watch the video below to see what REAL patients have to say about their experience with LASIK

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McMann Eye Institute The Queen’s Medical Center
West O’ahu
91-2139 Ft. Weaver Rd. Suite 202
Ewa Beach, HI 96706
Phone: (808) 677-2733

McMann Eye Institute proudly serves Ewa Beach, HI and the Oahu areas of Honolulu, Waipahu, Aiea, Wahiawa, Kaneohe, Maunawili, Kahaluu, Kapolei, Iroquois Point and the remaining Hawaiian Islands and the Pacific Rim.

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Michael A. McMann, MD